Privacy policy & Cookies

Succubus BV Website

This is the website of Succubus BV

Business Information

Our business address is

Succubus BV
Dorpsstraat 1070
1566 JM Assendelft

Our Registration Number at the Chamber of Commerce is 68278179
Our VAT number is NL857372403B01

Privacy Protection

Succubus respects the privacy of all users of the site and ensures that all your personal data is treated confidentially. When you visit our site, various data are collected in order to provide you with optimal service. This Privacy Policy explains exactly what data is processed, what is done with your data and what rights you have. Succubus ensures that the correct notifications have been made to the Dutch Data Protection Authority in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Protecting privacy is important to you and to us. That is why our systems and programs are well secured to prevent unauthorized persons within and outside our organization from having access to your personal data. If we receive or transfer certain critical information, such as payment information, we use a secure server. You will be informed of this via a screen displayed on our site (pop-up). We have introduced the necessary security measures against the loss of information we receive, or its unlawful use or modification.

What Information Does Succubus Collect From You?

To place an order with Succubus you need an account. The following information is required to process your order correctly:

  • Your full name (first and last name)
  • Company name (optional)
  • E-mail address
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Fax number (optional)
  • Payment information

In addition to the above information, you will be asked to set a password when registering your account. Succubus will send a confirmation email to the email address provided to activate your account. This will also contain confirmation of your e-mail address and the password you have chosen. It is therefore necessary to enter a valid e-mail address. You can add additional information to your account yourself. You can register for the Succubus newsletter, keep a wish list and participate in the savings program. Succubus uses the collected data to provide its customers with the following services:

  • To provide you with a properly functioning website.
  • Processing your order, payment, being able to contact you about your order and delivery to the correct delivery address
  • To be able to contact you about the website or your account, or to respond as quickly as possible to any questions and/or complaints.
  • To inform you about the development of Succubus and about special (personalized) offers and promotions. If you no longer wish to receive this, you can unsubscribe from these mailings using the unsubscribe link included in every email or let us know by sending an email to
  • To request that you share your experiences with Succubus in order to serve you even better.
  • To adapt the website to your wishes.
  • To collect anonymous statistical data.
  • To protect, customize and update the website.

Succubus Does Not Sell Your Data

Succubus will not sell your personal information to third parties and will only make it available to third parties involved in fulfilling your order, evaluating Succubus' activities/services, or optimizing its internet advertisements on other websites. Our employees and third parties engaged by us are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.

Right of Inspection and Correction

It is always possible to check the status of your personal data via e-mail ( We will provide you with the information we currently have as soon as possible, after verifying your identity. If one or more details are incorrect, incorrect or incomplete, you can of course ask us for a correction. You can also contact us in one of the ways listed at the bottom of this page if you believe that our site does not comply with regulations regarding the protection of privacy.


We want to serve you even better in the future. That is why we use cookies. A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer. The cookie data remains on your own computer, is not used for other purposes and depends on your own browser settings.

The permission you have given to use cookies can be withdrawn at any time by adjusting the cookie settings in your browser. You can use the help function of your browser to access the correct settings and delete/disable cookies. Please note that some parts of the website may not work as well if you delete cookies.

Google Analytics

Cookies from the American company Google are placed via our website as part of the “Analytics” service. We use this service to track and receive reports on how visitors use the website. This processor may be obliged to provide access to this data based on applicable laws and regulations. We collect information about your surfing behavior and share this data with Google. Google can interpret this information in conjunction with other data sets and thus track your movements on the Internet. Google uses this information to offer targeted advertisements (Adwords) and other Google services and products.


In order to offer Klarna as payment methods, personal data and order data can be exchanged with Klarna during checkout. This is necessary so that Klarna can determine whether post-payment can be offered to you as a customer. Personal data is processed in accordance with Klarna's own privacy notice.


The Succubus site may contain third-party advertisements or links to other sites. Succubus has no influence on the privacy policies of these third parties or their sites and is not responsible for them.


If you wish to respond to our privacy policy, please contact us:

By email:

By letter to this address:
Succubus BV
Dorpsstraat 1070
1566 JM Assendelft

Upon request, we grant Succubus visitors access to all information that we maintain about them. If you would like access to this information, please contact us at the address above. Upon request, we offer visitors to our site the opportunity to correct any incorrect data that we maintain about them. If you wish to correct your personal information, please contact us at the address above. You can also view your address and other contact details by logging into your account at Succubus. You can adjust and/or correct this data at any time, if desired.